The Magisterium into law on 20th February 2021. Delegate Zukchiva on the same day.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as ”The Pacificum Orientale Awards Act”.
…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following are defined as:
……2.1.1- “Ribbon”- A small designed image not subceeding or exceeding the pixel dimensions of 106 pixels by 29 pixels.
……2.1.2- “Medal”- An award granted alongside a ribbon as an alternative to the ribbon itself.
……2.1.3- “Honor”- Any award, order, or function instituted by this Act to honor a nation for their dedication to the East Pacific.
…3.1- The Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be the highest civilian award to be given within the East Pacific.
…3.2- The Order must be given only to those who hold the following traits:
……3.2.1- The recipient must have had a long-lasting impact upon the East Pacific.
……3.2.2- The recipient’s impacts must be consistent with the values of the East Pacific.
……3.2.3- The recipient must have served the East Pacific with distinction and honor.
…3.3- All who were awarded the Order from Delegates Ramaeus and Aelitia shall have their membership in the Order, and its subsequent awards, validated. They shall remain part of the Order unless removed per this Act.
…3.4- The Rookie Award shall be dictated as a civilian award given to outstanding new nations within the East Pacific.
…3.5- The Award must be given only to those who hold the following traits:
……3.5.1- The recipient has played NationStates for less than a year.
……3.5.2- The recipient’s actions have impacted the East Pacific despite being a new nation.
……3.5.3- The recipient’s impacts were consistent with the values of the East Pacific.
…4.1- The Order of the Golden Ocelot medal’s design shall consist of the same design of the medal awarded by Delegate Ramaeus by Executive Order instated on August 19th, 2015.
……4.1.1- Its ribbon shall consist of the same design as the ribbon awarded by Delegate Aelitia by Executive Order instated on January 20th, 2017.
…4.2- The Executive shall design a ribbon for the Rookie Award and present it to the Magisterium for approval. The Magisterium must then approve the design by a majority vote.
……4.2.1- The Rookie Award ribbon can be repealed by a majority vote by the Magisterium.
…5.1- Any honor instituted by this Act may be awarded in two ways:
……5.1.1- The Magisterium may award the honor to any nation that qualifies for the honor with a 3/4 majority vote in favor of awarding the honor.
……5.1.2- The Delegate may award the honor to any nation that qualifies for the honor.
……5.1.3- The honor must be awarded publicly in a forum thread.
……5.1.4- Upon receiving an honor, a nation shall receive all ribbons, medals, and functions associated with that honor. Additionally, should the honor be membership of an Order, said nation shall be inducted into said Order.
…5.2- The Magisterium may, by 3/4 vote, remove from any person any honor given under this Act.
……5.2.1- The Delegate may not award the relevant honor to those who had it removed.
……5.2.2- Those who had their honor removed shall no longer be considered a recipient of the honor nor its endowments.
…6.1- The Executive shall create a forum thread for each individual honor instituted by this Act.
…6.2- All those who have been awarded shall be recorded in their honor’s respective forum thread. All honor threads shall be pinned in the Plaza sub-forum and kept updated by the Delegate, or an appointed official thereof.
…6.3- The information recorded for each inductee shall include the year they were awarded, who awarded them, and the reason(s) insofar provided for their induction.
…6.4- All repeals of an honor will be recorded in its respective forum thread established in Section 6.1.
…6.5 - The information recorded for each repeal shall include the date that the honor was removed from the recipient and the reason why the honor was removed.
…7.1- Anyone who wears or utilizes the medal, ribbon, or other benefit of an honor in a method indicating that they had received such an honor, despite not actually having received said honor OR having had that honor removed from them per this Act, shall be guilty of Award Fraud.
…7.1.1- Anyone who had their honor removed shall have one week to remove the medal, ribbon, or other benefits from relevant areas before they are found guilty of Award Fraud.
…7.2- The Conclave may give any individual, who it finds guilty of committing Award Fraud one or more of the following sentences:
…7.2.1- Mark them as ineligible to receive for any honor, per this Act, for a maximum period of one year. This shall not apply to any honors an individual already possesses.
…7.2.2- A two month maximum ban for a first offense.
…7.2.3- A six month maximum ban for a second offense.
…8.1- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Order of the Golden Ocelot Act is repealed.
The Magisterium the Pacificum Orientale Awards Act on 1st May 2021. The amendment was by Delegate Zukchiva on the same day.
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as ”The Pacificum Orientale Awards Act”.
…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following are defined as:
……2.1.1- “Ribbon”- A small designed image not subceeding or exceeding the pixel dimensions of 106 pixels by 29 pixels.
……2.1.2- “Medal”- An award granted alongside a ribbon as an alternative to the ribbon itself.
……2.1.3- “Honor”- Any award, order, or function instituted by this Act to honor a nation for their dedication to the East Pacific.
…3.1- The following honors shall be instituted by this Act:
…3.1.1- “The Order of the Golden Ocelot”, which shall be given to those nations who have had a long lasting impact upon the East Pacific as the result of distinctive service.
…3.1.2- “The Order of Eloquence”, which shall be given to those nations who have contributed to the East Pacific’s roleplay traditions and communities via writing, cartography, moderation of roleplay, or other such actions.
…3.1.3- “The Order of Valor”, which shall be given to those nations who have contributed to the development of The East Pacific’s military and engaged in various military operations.
…3.1.4- “The Order of Merit”, which shall be given to those nations who have preformed various governmental works that have ultimately improved The East Pacific.
…3.1.5- “The Order of Artistry”, which shall be given to those nations who have developed The East Pacific’s card community and made substantial contributions to it.
…3.1.6- “The Rising Sun Award”, which shall be given to those nations who, whilst being new to the East Pacific, has made marked contributions in a short amount of time.
…3.1.7- “The Golden Dove Award”, which shall be given to those East Pacifican diplomats who have done excellently in their duties of representing the East Pacific abroad, and have helped the East Pacific improve its relations with other regions.
…3.1.8- “The Shining Light Award”, which shall be given to those East Pacifican nations who have guided and mentored multiple East Pacificans, and helped them become active members of the region.
…3.2- The Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be the highest civilian and military honor within the East Pacific.
…3.3- All who were awarded the Order of the Golden Ocelot from Delegates Ramaeus and Aelitia shall have their membership in the Order, and its subsequent awards, validated. They shall remain part of the Order unless removed per this Act.
…3.4- All honors instituted under this Act shall have their ribbons and medals displayed in Exhibit 1.
[s]…3.1- The Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be the highest civilian award to be given within the East Pacific.
…3.2- The Order must be given only to those who hold the following traits:
……3.2.1- The recipient must have had a long-lasting impact upon the East Pacific.
……3.2.2- The recipient’s impacts must be consistent with the values of the East Pacific.
……3.2.3- The recipient must have served the East Pacific with distinction and honor.
…3.3- All who were awarded the Order from Delegates Ramaeus and Aelitia shall have their membership in the Order, and its subsequent awards, validated. They shall remain part of the Order unless removed per this Act.
…3.4- The Rookie Award shall be dictated as a civilian award given to outstanding new nations within the East Pacific.
…3.5- The Award must be given only to those who hold the following traits:
……3.5.1- The recipient has played NationStates for less than a year.
……3.5.2- The recipient’s actions have impacted the East Pacific despite being a new nation.
……3.5.3- The recipient’s impacts were consistent with the values of the East Pacific.
…4.12- The Order of the Golden Ocelot medal’s design shall consist of the same design of the medal awarded by Delegate Ramaeus by Executive Order instated on August 19th, 2015.
……4.12.1- Its ribbon shall consist of the same design as the ribbon awarded by Delegate Aelitia by Executive Order instated on January 20th, 2017.
…4.2- The Executive shall design a ribbon for the Rookie Award and present it to the Magisterium for approval. The Magisterium must then approve the design by a majority vote.
……4.2.1- The Rookie Award ribbon can be repealed by a majority vote by the Magisterium.
…54.1- Any honor instituted by this Act may be awarded in two ways:
……54.1.1- The Magisterium may award the honor to any nation that qualifies for the honor with a 3/4 majority vote in favor of awarding the honor.
……54.1.2- The Delegate may award the honor to any nation that qualifies for the honor.
……54.1.3- The honor must be awarded publicly in a forum thread.
……54.1.4- Upon receiving an honor, a nation shall receive all ribbons, medals, and functions associated with that honor. Additionally, should the honor be membership of an Order, said nation shall be inducted into said Order.
…54.2- The Magisterium may, by 3/4 vote, remove from any person any honor given under this Act.
……54.2.1- The Delegate may not award the relevant honor to those who had it removed.
……54.2.2- Those who had their honor removed shall no longer be considered a recipient of the honor nor its endowments.
…65.1- The ExecutiveDelegate or any executive appointee thereof shall create a forum thread for each individual honor instituted by this Act.the Order of the Golden Ocelot.
…65.2- All those who have been awarded this Order shall be recorded in the Order’s their honor’s respective forum thread. All honor threads The thread shall be pinned in the Plaza sub-forum and kept updated by the Delegate, or an appointed official thereof.
…65.3- The information recorded for each inductee shall include the year they were awarded, who awarded them, and the reason(s) insofar provided for their induction.
…65.4- All repeals of an honor the Order will be recorded in its respective forum thread established in Section 65.1.
…65.5 - The information recorded for each repeal shall include the date that the honorOrder was removed from the recipient and the reason why the honorOrder was removed.
…76.1- Anyone who wears or utilizes the medal, ribbon, or other benefit of an honor in a method indicating that they had received such an honor, despite not actually having received said honor OR having had that honor removed from them per this Act, shall be guilty of Award Fraud.
…76.1.1- Anyone who had their honor removed shall have one week to remove the medal, ribbon, or other benefits from relevant areas before they are found guilty of Award Fraud.
…76.2- The Conclave may give any individual, who it finds guilty of committing Award Fraud one or more of the following sentences:
…76.2.1- Mark them as ineligible to receive for any honor, per this Act, for a maximum period of one year. This shall not apply to any honors an individual already possesses.
…76.2.2- A two month maximum ban for a first offense.
…76.2.3- A six month maximum ban for a second offense.
…87.1- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Order of the Golden Ocelot Act is repealed.
The Order of the Golden Ocelot

The Order of Eloquence

No Medal
The Order of Valor

No Medal
The Order of Merit

No Medal
The Order of Artistry

No Medal
The Rising Sun Award

No Medal
The Shining Star Award

No Medal
The Golden Dove Award

No Medal
…1.1- This act shall be known and cited as ”The Pacificum Orientale Awards Act”.
…2.1- For the purposes of this act, the following are defined as:
……2.1.1- “Ribbon”- A small designed image not subceeding or exceeding the pixel dimensions of 106 pixels by 29 pixels.
……2.1.2- “Medal”- An award granted alongside a ribbon as an alternative to the ribbon itself.
……2.1.3- “Honor”- Any award, order, or function instituted by this Act to honor a nation for their dedication to the East Pacific.
…3.1- The following honors shall be instituted by this Act:
…3.1.1- “The Order of the Golden Ocelot”, which shall be given to those nations who have had a long lasting impact upon the East Pacific as the result of distinctive service.
…3.1.2- “The Order of Eloquence”, which shall be given to those nations who have contributed to the East Pacific’s roleplay traditions and communities via writing, cartography, moderation of roleplay, or other such actions.
…3.1.3- “The Order of Valor”, which shall be given to those nations who have contributed to the development of The East Pacific’s military and engaged in various military operations.
…3.1.4- “The Order of Merit”, which shall be given to those nations who have preformed various governmental works that have ultimately improved The East Pacific.
…3.1.5- “The Order of Artistry”, which shall be given to those nations who have developed The East Pacific’s card community and made substantial contributions to it.
…3.1.6- “The Rising Sun Award”, which shall be given to those nations who, whilst being new to the East Pacific, has made marked contributions in a short amount of time.
…3.1.7- “The Golden Dove Award”, which shall be given to those East Pacifican diplomats who have done excellently in their duties of representing the East Pacific abroad, and have helped the East Pacific improve its relations with other regions.
…3.1.8- “The Shining Light Award”, which shall be given to those East Pacifican nations who have guided and mentored multiple East Pacificans, and helped them become active members of the region.
…3.2- The Order of the Golden Ocelot shall be the highest civilian and military honor within the East Pacific.
…3.3- All who were awarded the Order of the Golden Ocelot from Delegates Ramaeus and Aelitia shall have their membership in the Order, and its subsequent awards, validated. They shall remain part of the Order unless removed per this Act.
…3.4- All honors instituted under this Act shall have their ribbons and medals displayed in Exhibit 1.
…4.1- Any honor instituted by this Act may be awarded in two ways:
……4.1.1- The Magisterium may award the honor to any nation that qualifies for the honor with a 3/4 majority vote in favor of awarding the honor.
……4.1.2- The Delegate may award the honor to any nation that qualifies for the honor.
……4.1.3- The honor must be awarded publicly in a forum thread.
……4.1.4- Upon receiving an honor, a nation shall receive all ribbons, medals, and functions associated with that honor. Additionally, should the honor be membership of an Order, said nation shall be inducted into said Order.
…4.2- The Magisterium may, by 3/4 vote, remove from any person any honor given under this Act.
……4.2.1- The Delegate may not award the relevant honor to those who had it removed.
……4.2.2- Those who had their honor removed shall no longer be considered a recipient of the honor nor its endowments.
…5.1- The Delegate or any executive appointee thereof shall create a forum thread for the Order of the Golden Ocelot.
…5.2- All those who have been awarded this Order shall be recorded in the Order’s forum thread. The thread shall be pinned in the Plaza sub-forum and kept updated by the Delegate, or an appointed official thereof.
…5.3- The information recorded for each inductee shall include the year they were awarded, who awarded them, and the reason(s) insofar provided for their induction.
…5.4- All repeals of the Order will be recorded in its respective forum thread established in Section 5.1.
…5.5 - The information recorded for each repeal shall include the date that the Order was removed from the recipient and the reason why the Order was removed.
…6.1- Anyone who wears or utilizes the medal, ribbon, or other benefit of an honor in a method indicating that they had received such an honor, despite not actually having received said honor OR having had that honor removed from them per this Act, shall be guilty of Award Fraud.
…6.1.1- Anyone who had their honor removed shall have one week to remove the medal, ribbon, or other benefits from relevant areas before they are found guilty of Award Fraud.
…6.2- The Conclave may give any individual, who it finds guilty of committing Award Fraud one or more of the following sentences:
…6.2.1- Mark them as ineligible to receive for any honor, per this Act, for a maximum period of one year. This shall not apply to any honors an individual already possesses.
…6.2.2- A two month maximum ban for a first offense.
…6.2.3- A six month maximum ban for a second offense.
…7.1- Upon Enactment of this bill, the Order of the Golden Ocelot Act is repealed.
The Order of the Golden Ocelot

The Order of Eloquence

No Medal
The Order of Valor

No Medal
The Order of Merit

No Medal
The Order of Artistry

No Medal
The Rising Sun Award

No Medal
The Shining Star Award

No Medal
The Golden Dove Award

No Medal