…3.1. The official timezone for the East Pacific shall be Universal Coordinated Time, also known by the abbreviation UTC.
…3.2. The official date format for the East Pacific shall be the “Discourse standard”, defined as YYYY-MM-DD
…3.2.1. YYYY-MM-DD is comprised of the following: a). YYYY is defined as the Year; ie 2023. b). MM is defined as the Month; ie 02. c). DD is defined as the Day; ie 07.
…3.3. All date-timestamps posted on the TEP Forums used to define legal deadlines must use the Discourse-native “date” code functionality.
…3.3.1. Examples of compliant date-time codes are displayed in Appendix A.
…4.1. The provisions of this Act do not preclude or prevent the usage of any other timezone or date-time measurement system for non-official purposes.
Appendix A. Example of Compliant Date & Time Codes
Individual date & time: [date=2023-02-07 time=11:30:00 format="LLLL z" timezone="UTC"]
Date & time range: [date-range from=2023-01-07T11:30:00 to=2023-01-07T11:30:00 format="LLLL z" timezone="UTC"]
…3.1. The official timezone for the East Pacific shall be Universal Coordinated Time, also known by the abbreviation UTC.
…3.2. The official date format for the East Pacific shall be the “Discourse standard”, defined as YYYY-MM-DD
…3.2.1. YYYY-MM-DD is comprised of the following:a). YYYY is defined as the Year; ie 2023.b). MM is defined as the Month; ie 02.c). DD is defined as the Day; ie 07.
…3.3. All date-timestamps posted on the TEP Forums used to define legal deadlines must use the Discourse-native “date” code functionality.
…3.1. Examples of compliant date-time codes are displayed in Appendix A.
…4.1. The provisions of this Act do not preclude or prevent the usage of any other timezone or date-time measurement system for non-official purposes.
Appendix A. Example of Compliant Date & Time Codes
Individual date & time: [date=2023-02-07 time=11:30:00 format="LLLL z" timezone="UTC"]
Date & time range: [date-range from=2023-01-07T11:30:00 to=2023-01-07T11:30:00 format="LLLL z" timezone="UTC"]
Pursuant to the powers granted to the Office of the Provost by Article B, Section 10 of the Concordat, I have made the following discretionary edits to this Act on this day 2023-12-17T11:45:00Z